
Culture ATX Salon prides itself on being one of the premier salons in Austin. Considering Austin is one of the hottest cities in America right now, by popular request, we’ve decided to open up a “Stylist-in-Residence” program.

Being a Culture Stylist-in-Residence affords you with an opportunity to “try out Austin”, whether that be for vacay or a potential new home. Think of Culture as your salon host family. In essence, you can see what it would “really be like” to live in Austin.

The ideal Stylist-in-Residence is an experienced Stylist with a solid social media following as that makes it easier to fill your books when you’re in Austin. Additionally, we love Stylists open to sharing tips and tricks of their craft - whether that be with a formal education event or informal Q&A.

Culture ATX Salon - Stylist in Residence - Eden Manalastas (@Eden.Vision).jpeg

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1~4 weeks, with books available at least 50% of the time.

  • Culture ATX Salon has more client interest than we are able to service, so we should be able to fill your books. Additionally, you probably have some people that follow you on Instagram that live in Austin that would love an opportunity to be your client.

  • As long as you charge at least the salon price, you have the flexibility to set your own price. We’re happy to work with you to set prices in advance of your residence.

  • We would set you up as a contractor and pay you through our commission structure via our payroll software. We can chat more on a call about the specifics of our tiered commission structure.

  • Fill out the form below and our team will be able to connect with you directly.

Interested in being our next Stylist-in-Residence?

Please fill out the form and we will be in touch shortly.